Thursday, May 21, 2009

Flu now in Philippines according to DOH


MANILA, Philippines - A 10-year-old Filipino girl who had traveled to the United States and Canada was found positive for Influenza A(H1N1), making her the first confirmed case in the Philippines.

Health Secretary Francisco Duque III announced this last night in a teleconference from the World Health Organization (WHO) office in Geneva, Switzerland.

"We now have the first confirmed case of Influenza A(H1N1) in the Philippines... The discovery of this first case is something we have been preparing for," said Duque.

The girl arrived in the Philippines last May 18, and eventually developed fever, cough, and sore throat the next day.

Swab throat samples were taken from the girl who is now confined in an "undisclosed health facility."

Duque said the samples were examined and confirmed at the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) using the A(H1N1) testing kits donated by the Atlanta-based Center for Disease Control and Prevention through polymerase chain reaction machines.

"The patient was started on anti-viral and given supportive care. The patient no longer has fever and cough, but she still has sore throat," he added.

The family and those who had close contact with her have already been advised to go on quarantine.

"We advise the public not to panic. There is no community level outbreak. Measures are being implemented to prevent transmission," Duque said.

DOH Undersecretary Mario Villaverde said the results of the laboratory tests would be sent to a WHO-accredited laboratory in Melbourne, Australia.

He added the co-passengers of the girl in the plane home would be contacted to advise them to observe self-quarantine.

Villaverde had also urged the public to observe personal hygiene, take nutritional food, get enough sleep, take vitamin C, and drink lots of water and fruit juices to strengthen their immune system.

"If you can postpone travelling to other affected areas, that would be good for you," he advised the public.

WHO tally tops 11,000 cases

The World Health Organization earlier raised its tally of swine flu cases around the world to 11,034 and 85 deaths.

WHO said most of the new 791 cases have been reported in Canada, Mexico and the US. Mexico confirmed three more deaths linked to swine flu, while the US confirmed two since Wednesday's tally.

At least 38 other countries have also reported cases since the outbreak began last month.

A month after the world was alerted to a potential flu pandemic, the WHO was caught yesterday between the spread of the new swine flu virus to 41 countries and doubts fostered by its mild symptoms.

Some 10,000 cases and 80 deaths have been recorded since the outbreak of A(H1N1) influenza emerged in Mexico and the US, and the world remains at flu alert level five, signaling an "imminent pandemic."

But World Health Organization Director General Margaret Chan is hesitating about declaring a full-pledged pandemic by moving to phase six, even though travelers have carried it to other countries.

The top level would indicate sustained community transmission in a second region outside of the Americas.

Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso appealed for calm yesterday as a total of 281 swine flu cases were reported in the country, including the first in greater Tokyo, the world's largest urban area.

Antoine Flahaut, an epidemiologist and head of the School of Public Health (EHESP), said the technical elements were in place to move into pandemic phase.

"But the WHO senses that recommendations which go with that are not adapted to the situation," he explained, pointing to air travel restrictions or advice to wear surgical masks.

"Invoking phase six would be disproportionate with the current situation,"

The doubts have growm because of the relatively mild symptoms of swine flu, which experts acknowledge is no worse than seasonal influenza for now.

Most of the deaths have occurred among those who were suffering from other ailments, a common pattern for ordinary strains of flu.

When the WHO's annual assembly opened on Monday, British Health Secretary Alan Johnson voiced doubts about phase six that had been growing behind the scenes after countries rushed to contain new cases of swine flu.

"I think you, as you and others have said, need more time, we need more time to study this," Johnson told Chan, prompting nods of approval from other health officials afterwards, including China, Japan and New Zealand.

"She has taken that on board," WHO spokesman Thomas Abraham said late yesterday, underlining that most of the cases in Japan were largely confined to students or their close entourage.

Chan acknowledged this week that the WHO's pandemic response plan, introduced three years ago, was largely designed around the more deadly and virulent, but less transmissible, H5N1 bird flu virus.

"This scale was based on geographical distribution, but the public belief is that pandemic means seriousness," said Sylvie Briand, acting director of the WHO's Global Influenza Program.

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

What are the signs and symptoms of H1N1 (swine) flu in people

The symptoms of H1N1 (swine) flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with H1N1 (swine) flu. In the past, severe illness (pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths have been reported with H1N1 (swine) flu infection in people. Like seasonal flu, H1N1 (swine) flu may cause a worsening of underlying chronic medical conditions.

In children emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:

•Fast breathing or trouble breathing
•Bluish or gray skin color
•Not drinking enough fluids
•Severe or persistent vomiting
•Not waking up or not interacting
•Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
•Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
In adults, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:

•Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
•Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
•Sudden dizziness
•Severe or persistent vomiting
•Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
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How severe is illness associated with this new H1N1 virus

It’s not known at this time how severe this virus will be in the general population. CDC is studying the medical histories of people who have been infected with this virus to determine whether some people may be at greater risk from infection, serious illness or hospitalization from the virus. In seasonal flu, there are certain people that are at higher risk of serious flu-related complications. This includes people 65 years and older, children younger than five years old, pregnant women, and people of any age with chronic medical conditions. It’s unknown at this time whether certain groups of people are at greater risk of serious flu-related complications from infection with this new virus. CDC also is conducting laboratory studies to see if certain people might have natural immunity to this virus, depending on their age.
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How severe is illness associated with this new H1N1 virus

It’s not known at this time how severe this virus will be in the general population. CDC is studying the medical histories of people who have been infected with this virus to determine whether some people may be at greater risk from infection, serious illness or hospitalization from the virus. In seasonal flu, there are certain people that are at higher risk of serious flu-related complications. This includes people 65 years and older, children younger than five years old, pregnant women, and people of any age with chronic medical conditions. It’s unknown at this time whether certain groups of people are at greater risk of serious flu-related complications from infection with this new virus. CDC also is conducting laboratory studies to see if certain people might have natural immunity to this virus, depending on their age.
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How serious is H1N1 (swine) flu infection

Like seasonal flu, H1N1 (swine) flu in humans can vary in severity from mild to severe. Between 2005 until January 2009, 12 human cases of swine flu were detected in the U.S. with no deaths occurring. However, swine flu infection can be serious. In September 1988, a previously healthy 32-year-old pregnant woman in Wisconsin was hospitalized for pneumonia after being infected with swine flu and died 8 days later. A swine flu outbreak in Fort Dix, New Jersey occurred in 1976 that caused more than 200 cases with serious illness in several people and one death.
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How many H1N1 (swine) flu viruses are there?

Like all influenza viruses, swine flu viruses change constantly. Pigs can be infected by avian influenza and human influenza viruses as well as swine influenza viruses. When influenza viruses from different species infect pigs, the viruses can reassort (i.e. swap genes) and new viruses that are a mix of swine, human and/or avian influenza viruses can emerge. Over the years, different variations of swine flu viruses have emerged. At this time, there are four main influenza type A virus subtypes that have been isolated in pigs: H1N1, H1N2, H3N2, and H3N1. However, most of the recently isolated influenza viruses from pigs have been H1N1 viruses.
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Why is this new H1N1 virus sometimes called swine flu

This virus was originally referred to as “swine flu” because laboratory testing showed that many of the genes in this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs in North America. But further study has shown that this new virus is very different from what normally circulates in North American pigs. It has two genes from flu viruses that normally circulate in pigs in Europe and Asia and avian genes and human genes. Scientists call this a “quadruple reassortant” virus.
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Swine Flu FAQS


Swine Flu FAQS
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

125 Social Bookmarking News Sites You Should Consider

125 Social Bookmarking News Sites You Should Consider

1. Backflip : Backflip is a free service currently being run by volunteers. Backflip was started in 1999 by Netscape veterans Tim Hickman and Chris Misner. As a research tool, Backflip is clearly of value to the education community, and that community (or at least certain segments) has certainly embraced Backflip. A Google search of sites that contain the term “” results in numerous education-related links, including Teacher Tools.
2. barksbookmarks : BARKS=BookmARKS is a website that combines social bookmarking, blogging, RSS, and non-hierarchical editorial control.
3. BibSonomy :BibSonomy is run by the Knowledge Data Engineering Group of the University of Kassel, Germany. Its specifically designed for researchers, in sharing bookmarks and bibliographies
4. Blinklist :A social bookmarking site launched by Mindvalley. According to their site, they launch several web businesses a year and are focused in 3 areas. - Technology, media and Marketing. BlinkList does have a user friendly interface indicating that its being run well and efficiently. They also quote “fully profitable” on their site. Furthermore, you can label and comment about any web page on the Internet.
5. Blipoo :Meet Blipoo, a social bookmarking site for “cool” people sharing “cool” stories. It claims to help bloggers drive more traffic to their blog because they allow self promotion..
6. BlogBookMark : Designed specifically for Blog hunters, claims to have the hottest news, gossip, and blog chatter from around the web. I highly sugggest that mainstream bloggers bookmark their entires here.
7. BlueDot : This basic social networking service allows users to save and share bookmarks.
8. blurpalicious : Get Blurped! Not too different from other social bookmarks, but I love the tagline.
9. Bmaccess : Social bookmarking with thumbs
10. Bookkit : is an absolutely free web service designed to facilitate bookmark (favorites) management needs.
11. BookMarkAll : Bookmarkall is an online bookmark community where users can create, organize and share their favorite web links online and access them anywhere.
12. Bookmark-manager : Organizer for bookmarks, calendar, diary and knowledge.
13. bookmarktracker : Free online storage, management, synchronizing and RSS sharing of your bookmarks.
14. Bookmax : You can store your bookmarks and links to your favorite sites online and access them from wherever you are : basic Social Bookmarking.
15. Buddymarks : The online personal, group and social bookmarks manager.
16. Bukmark : Bukmark is a social bookmarking website.
17. Chipmark :Another basic social bookmarking site.
18. Citeulike : A free service to help academics to share, store, and organise the academic papers they are reading.
19. Claimid : Manage your online identity. Although this is not a normal social bookmarking site, users can bookmark sites which reference their identity and build backlinks in this fashion.
20. Clipclip : Clipclip allows you to save images and text, with a “bookmarklet”.
21. Cloudytags : A unique word analyzer connects to your page, gets all the words and suggest you the real tags your site is showing to the world.
22. Complore : Derived from com-(with,together) and explore-(search, research). As the name suggests, complore is a vision to connect people from diverse backgrounds
23. Connectedy : Lets you establish a personal link directory online. As you surf the web, you collect links, categorize them in a way that makes sense to you.
24. Connotea : Social bookmarking (for researchers).
25. Contentpop : It has the latest Web 2.0 features such as social bookmarking, blogging & RSS. It also uses the word POP in the title which means it must be good.
26. coRank : coRank is a site where you can share whatever you find interesting on the web with people who value your opinion
27. Crowdfound : CrowdFound is essentially a social bookmarking website, but with a different vision in mind
28. : Store, share and tag your favourite links. Open source clone of with private bookmarking, tagging, blogging, and notes
29. : THE social bookmarking site : It allows you to easily add sites you like to your personal collection of links and to categorize those sites with keywords. Not to mention that if enough people save your site in a bookmark, it will make their popular page and send a lot of traffic. Delicious is owned by Yahoo and is a MUST for your social media and bookmarking strategy.
30. Diigo : Social bookmarking on steroids.

31. Digg : The social news site that changed the Internet, Digg is a high power authority and a listing in Digg for a site, even if it only has a couple of votes, will rank highly on Google and other search engines for certain terms. If your site is shared and voted upon on Digg, and makes the Digg homepage, you’ll get a lot of traffic and attention from other bloggers who read Digg.
32. Dropjack : is a social content website and owned by the ExactSeek company.
33. Easybm : Allows users to bookmark their frequently visited sites on their private page, allowing 1-click access to their favorite web sites.
34. Enroll : Social bookmarking system based in India.
35. ez4u : Social Bookmarking - Ez4u to Bookmark : “Ez4u to Organize Ez4u to Share with Others Ez4u to Remember”
36. Favoor : Favoor is your personalized new start page. Collect your favorite internet addresses.
37. Folkd : Folkd is a social web-service about pages, news, audios, videos and blogs.
38. Freelink : provides free pages of links that you can access anywhere at anytime.
39. Freezilla : FreeZilla claims to be the first Web 2.0 freebies and promotions social networking site.
40. Fungow : Fungow was designed to help better organize and keep track of your bookmarks.

41. Furl : Like Delicious, LookSmart’s is one of the first social bookmarking sites and considered an authority by the major search engines. Listing your sites in Furl will lead to traffic from organic rankings and its popular page drives traffic.
42. Gather : Gather is a place to contribute articles and content, blog, tag and connect with people who share your passions. (Plus you can link out from the articles in this authority site).
43. Getboo : is yet another free online bookmarking service which allows you to store, edit and retrieve your bookmarks from anywhere online.
44. Google : Allows users to save and create bookmarks in their Google toolbar that can be accessed anywhere online. Google is getting more social by the day, so take advantage of their Google Bookamrks and citations, because one day they probably will have some kind of influence on external meta data considered by the Google ranking algortihm.
3. Hanzoweb : Hanzoweb - Bookmark, tag & share knowledge online
4. Hyperlinkomatic : Hyperlinkomatic - bookmark list manager.
5. : offers a free service which allows you to save your favorite website/links at one location that can be accessed from anywhere.
6. Icio : Danish Bookmarking engine.
7. Ikeepbookmarks : Popup feature allows you to add links while surfing the web
8. Iloggo : Simple web based bookmarking tool that you can use for attractively displaying your favorite websites on one page.
9. Jigg : is a socializing community with the latest stories / news submitted by users and has a familiar name
10. Kaboodle : Kaboodle is a 2.0 shopping community where people recommend and discover new things.
11. Kinja : Kinja is a blog guide, collecting news and commentary from some of the best sites on the web.
12. Lifelogger : “LifeLogger is a great way to keep things that matter to you alive and sparkling.” And worth considering in a bookmarking campaign.
13. Lilsto : Lilisto lets you store, manage and find your favorite links (or bookmarks) and removes the need to maintain them through your browser.
14. Linkagogo : Favorites and Social Bookmarking Application, its unique dynamic toolbars automatically adapt themselves.
15. Linkarena : German Social Bookmarking site.
16. Linksnarf : Social link sharing with groups of friends.
17. Listerlister :ListerLister is a social list building community where you can create, add to, and vote for both lists and the items added to them.

18. : Like Furl and Delicious, anoter major bookmarking site which lets users organize bookmarks, search other people’s favorites and make friends and contacts.
19. Markaboo : MarkaBoo is tool for saving websites, files, and notes from your browser, email or mobile phone.
20. Marktd : Marktd is a reference & voting system that highlights marketing articles considered valuable by the marketing community.
21. Memfrag : memFrag stores your favorites personal notes, making them globally accessible from any computer.
22. Memotoo :Lets users centralize and share your personal data.
23. Mister Wong : Mister Wong is a social bookmarking site that originated in Germany, and has since become a popular and widespread tool.
24. Mixx : An up and coming bookmarking and social news sharing network which should rival Digg, Reddit and others, Mixx blends popular photos, videos and stories.
25. Mobleo : Allows you to easily add, organize, and share your mobile phone bookmarks with your friends using your desktop computer.

26. Multiply :Florida-based social network Multiply, which reports nearly 3 million users and $6 million in funding,opened its social bookmarking site recently and has done well. Definite authority
27. Murl : My URLs is a free online bookmarks manager, think of it as a bookmarks community.
28. MyBookmarks : MyBookmarks - access your bookmarks anytime, anywhere. Free productivity tool for business, student or personal use. Another popular bookmarking site.
29. Myhq : Store your bookmarks in one central location. Fast, text-based, banner free!
30. MyLinkVault : A free online bookmark manager. Other bookmark managers can be so clumsy to use - trying to rearrange your bookmarks can be slow and frustrating.
31. mySiteVote : mySiteVote is a community where you can vote your favorite site/s and view how popular a site is.
32. MyWebDesktop : A collaboration and communication tool, designed to be as generic and easy to use as a telephone and email.
33. Newsvine : The mission of Newsvine is to bring together big and little media in a way which respects established journalism
34. Newsweight :NewsWeight is a democratic news, information, and entertainment resource.
35. Oyax : Oyax is a social bookmark manager which allows users to easily add sites you like to personal collection of links, categorize those sites with keywords.
36. Philoi : Person-to-person link sharing community. Save bookmarks and share links with your friends.
37. PlugIM : PlugIM is a user driven internet marketing community. Submit content, share articles, comment on projects and promote your favorites to the front page

38. Propeller : Formaly known as Netscape, AOL’s Propeller has become a great social bookmarking news community tool which is considered an ultimate authority by Yahoo Search and passes link juice in its news story profiles. Propeller is also going to redesign very soon, which should be quite exciting.
39. QuickieClick : QuickieClick is a second generation social bookmarking website with a visual twist.
40. Rambhai : An Indian social bookmarking community
41. RawSugar : A social search engine powered by user contributions. Its an online community, with over 130,000 URLs already tagged by their members.
42. Reddit : Timely and shocking news oriented, Reddit stories are instantly voted upon and if liked by the community as a whole, can drive incredible traffic and users.

43. Searchles : Owned by the DumbFind search engine, in my opinion Searchles is a much overlooked bookmarking tool and loved by Google, Yahoo and the other major search engines with its passing of link juice and high rankings for terms within search results themselves. Do not overlook Searchles.
44. Segnalo : Italian Social bookmarking site.
45. Simpy [late addition]: Social bookmarking & search, Simpy lets users “save, tag, search and share bookmarks, notes, groups and more.”
46. Sitebar : A solution for people who use multiple browsers or computers and want to have their bookmarks available from anywhere without need to synchronize them
47. Sitejot :Free online bookmark manager. Like every other social bookmarking site, it allows users to manage all of their bookmarks online in one convenient place.

48. Sk*rt : sk*rt is a social media ranking platform of “pure goodness”, targeted towards women. Given the right story, Sk*rt can send A LOT of targeted traffic.
49. Slashdot : The godfather of social news, SlashDot bookmarks are still quite powerful .. keep in mind the site has a heavy slant towards Linux and Open Source issues.
50. SocialDanger : SocialDanger is a Web 2.0 open source content management system.
51. Socialogs : A Digg-like Social Bookmarking Service.
52. Sphinn : Very popular search marketing oriented social news and discussion site run via the Pligg system.
53. Spotback : Spotback is a personalized rating system that recommends relevant content based on personal rating history using collaborative filtering
54. Spurl : Another cherished bookmarking and tagging site, Spurl lets users keep online bookmarks & tags while offering full text searching, recommendations & storing of entire documents.
55. Squidoo :Kind of spammed out, Squidoo is a 2.0 property which lets people and businesses set up a ‘lens’ which lists links, tags and relevant RSS feeds to different subjects.
56. Startaid : I’ve noticed that StartAid bookmark pages rank highly in Google and other search engines. This basic bookmarking service allows users to describe, tag and categorize sites.
57. StumbleUpon : Owned by eBay, StumbleUpon is an amazing blend of social bookmarking, voting, networking, web surfing, search and blogging. Best of all, StumbleUpon can send major traffic with its userbase of around 3 million users.
58. Stylehive : The Stylehive is a collection of all the best products, brands, designers and stores discovered and tagged by the Hive community
59. Syncone : SyncOne is an Internet aggregator of bookmarking and browsing.
60. Tagfacts : Basic bookmarking and tagging, a social knowledge base.
61. Taggly : Store, share and tag your favorite links.
62. Tagne : is user-submitted, community voted links and resources related to SEO, Blogging, RSS, Tagging, Internet Marketing and more.
63. Tagtooga : Says that this bookmarking engine can be used to discover great sites difficult to find in Google/Yahoo by browsing categories.
64. Tagza : A very young Social Bookmarking site mostly being used by Indian and Pakistani web masters.
65. Technorati : Always changing and reinventing themselves, this recognized authority offers links to blogposts, tagging and a social bookmarking WTF section.
66. Tedigo : Personal and social bookmarking in Spanish and English made simple.
67. Thinkpocket : Lets users pocket websites you find valuable. It is a web service that aims to help store, organize and share your favorite sites
68. Thoof : Thoof is a user generated news and information service that claims to learn about what users are interested in and delivers news that they care about.
69. Totalpad : TotalPad is a new online news and article community where people are free to voice their opinions
70. Urlex : With URLex system users are able to leave a comment regarding any internet link on any site. Possibly good for linking
71. Uvouch : Another basic social bookmarking site, users can save their findings with one click, at one place and access it from anywhere.
72. Vmark : An online bookmark and online favorites manager.
73. Voteboat : VoteBoat is a user-controlled rating and voting site.
74. Votelists : VoteLists lets users create a list of rankable items. Other can add items, comment on them, rate them and more!
75. Vuju : Vuju allows user to submit/publish content which can be tagged and promoted.
76. WeTogether : Social bookmarking site where people will have great opportunities to promote their own sites.
77. Whitelinks : Securely store and quickly access favorite websites whenever connected to the Internet,:
78. Wink : A social search engine where users can share results and answer questions. Users build profiles which can link out to bookmark pages or other web sites (hint hint).:
79. Wirefan : Social bookmarking, news articles submission site.:
80. Xilinus : Organize and manage bookmarks online.:
81. Xlmark : xlmark is an easy social bookmarking site:

82. Yahoo! Bookmarks: The MOST POPULAR social search and bookmarking service on the web. It’s similar to Delicious and something they launched before acquiring Delicious. Yahoo Bookmarks lets users store bookmarks using their Yahoo Toolbar and access them from any computer.
83. Yattle: Bookmark Management and Mini-Blogging Service.
84. Zlitt: Zlitt is a social bookmarking system which gives users the opportunity to share and tag favorite news, images and videos.
85. Zurpy: Saves bookmarks, text clippings, images, files, and news feeds in one place.
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Thursday, April 2, 2009

How to promote more my website

They are excellent for pulling in traffic, subscribers and sales.

1. Article Marketing
2. Social Bookmarking
3. RSS Submission
4. Directory submissions
5. Blogging
6. Viral Marketing with ebooks
7. Comment Posting
8. Forum Posting
9. List Building using Giveaway Events

You can pick up more details on powerful traffic driving and sales pulling
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How to Capture FLV Flash Video onto Your Computer

When the festival is coming, regardless of Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year or some special days for you, have you ever had an idea to make a terrific video for DVD-making use or PPT presentation? Share with friends and families to spend a different festival? However, where to find the resource of videos may be a problem. Yes, YouTube, MySpace, Hulu, Pandora, etc., the video-sharing web sites are good choices.

You know all the videos in YouTube or other video-sharing web sites are ending with the extension: *.flv. Namely they are FLV files. Then which free tool can do all that you need? Capture YouTube videos, play and enjoy downloaded FLV as well as converting FLV to AVI, MPEG, WMV, 3GP, MP4, etc for other usages.

YouTube FLV Downloader can do all for you: download, play, browse, manage and convert FLV! First of all download it for free from our web site and install the program on your PC. At the first sight of the software, you will love it at its elegant interface, similar with Apple iTunes.

capture youtube video
1. Capture and download FLV from YouTube.

Open video web site, taking YouTube as the example, drag directly the thumbnail of the FLV videos listed on YouTube into the floating icon.

The “New Download” window will automatically pop up promptly. Just click “OK” to begin downloading FLV, if you want to remain the options by default. You can see the downloading process in “Downloading” tab.

Here you can change the output path, rename YouTube video, choose file type and check “Convert to video” for conversion in “Convert” tab.

2. Play downloaded YouTube videos in library.

The program provides the powerful player function. You can play FLV with full screen mode, capture a still image as the thumbnail to show and search for wanted FLV files according to the title. The operating is very simple. Just double click the thumbnail or right click and select “Play” in “Library”.

3. Convert downloaded FLV to other video formats.

The downloaded FLV will be listed in “History” where you can click “Convert” icon to activate the conversion program: FLV to Video Converter Pro 2 that is installed on your PC. If you have checked “Convert to video” option in “New Download” window, then the downloaded FLV files will appear automatically in “Convert” tab. Click “Start” to activate FLV to Video Converter Pro 2 for conversion.
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Google Sitemaps FAQ

I decided to make these frequently asked questions about sitemaps to help relieve the amount of same thread questions. Hopefully this can help answer any questions you have related to Google Sitemaps. You'll find this FAQ will be able to answer most of your questions related to sitemaps, if you don't you could always post your question in the Google Sitemaps sub-fourm on digitalpoint.

Q: What is a sitemap?

A: A sitemap is an XML file that lists all available URLs for a website, along with additional information about each URL in the file. You should always create a sitemap for your website. This will help search engines crawl your site faster and display more content. Right now the standard sitemap format is XML, all major search engine use this format for sitemaps.


Q: How do I create a XML Sitemap?

A: This is one task you will not want to do in notepad, it can be done, but would be very time consuming. There are many websites & freeware programs that can build an XML sitemap for you. I don’t recommend purchasing software to create XML sitemaps; many freeware programs do the exact same thing. Below is a few links to free XML sitemap generators & websites.--------------------------------------------------------------------

Q: How do I submit my XML sitemap to Google?

A: This is a very simple thing to do; I also recommend placing a direct link to your sitemap on your homepage. You can the Google Webmasters Central to submit your sitemap to Google. There are many other great features and tools with Google Webmasters Central as well; you’ll find it very useful. Below is a link to Google Webmasters Central.--------------------------------------------------------------------

Q: What is the robots.txt file?

A: The robots.txt file is part of the Robots Exclusion Protocol. You can use this file to allow or disallow search engines from crawling and indexing certain areas of your website. This is great to reduce bandwidth usage by crawlers. You can also point to your XML sitemap file; this is useful since it allows search engines to find your XML sitemap.--------------------------------------------------------------------

Q: How do I create a robots.txt file?

A: This is very simple to do. You can open notepad or any text editor you like and create the file robots.txt is text format only. Below is the basic sample code to point to your sitemap and allow indexing and crawling of all your pages. Just save this file and upload it to your top web directory.

User-agent: *
sitemap: Your URL to Your SiteMap


Q: I’ve submitted my sitemap, why haven’t I been crawled?

A: Just because you submit a sitemap doesn’t mean you might get crawled any faster. New sites can take awhile to get fully indexed into Google, or any other search engine for that matter. The best way to increase this indexing is by getting quality back links to your site. Remember, the sitemap is just a map of your site for the search engines; it doesn’t increase your crawling rate. If it does, it isn’t by much.


Sitemap Resources

Below is a list of resources that may also help answer your questions, remember reading is knowledge, and the more knowledge you have the better your site will perform.
source: dp
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Monday, March 23, 2009

Best SEO Wordpress Plugins


Wordpress is a great platform. It is one of the favoured content management systems (CMS) out there and it’s obvious why. It’s regularly updated. It’s easily customized and it’s suitable for the expert to the newbie. There are however several plugins which you can download and activate which will make your Wordpress more search engine friendly. Here’s the list of the top SEO plugins. They are not really in any order, just in the order I thought of them! Enjoy :)

1. All-in-One-SEO plugin

This is one of the best SEO plugins out there. With it you can customize every individual blog page/post’s title, meta keywords and meta description tags. You can also stop parts of your blog from being indexed. This avoids a lot of the duplicate content issues.

2. Google Sitemap Generator

A sitemap is a page which acts like a directory for that site. It lists every single page found on that site. It tells the search engines what new pages have been made as soon as they are made. Here’s more information about sitemaps. No coding skills are necessary and it works with all Wordpress created pages.

3. Sociable -> Antisocial

Social sites have become increasingly popular and cannot be ignored today in internet marketing. With this plugin you and your readers can easily submit to up to 99 social bookmarking sites. The Antisocial hack means that the links are nofollow. Thanks for that update :)

4. Smart Links

With this plugin you can make any phrase or word in your posts automatically link to other post/pages on your blog. Good internal link structure really does help ranking.

5. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

While we’re on the subject of interneal linking, this plugin will choose posts that are related and display links to them at the bottom of the page.

6. Meta Robots Plugin

This will help you follow, nofollow, index, noindex any links/pages you have on your blog.

7. SEO friendly images

This plugin automatically updates your images with relevant title and alt tags. Additionally this makes the post W3C/xHTML valid as well. SEO is all about your users and useability. This helps.

8. Google Positioner

OK, this plugin only helps the admin and nothing else but I think it’s still worth a mention. It will track the positions of your desired keywords.

9. SEO Slugs

This plugin gets rid of words which you don’t want in your permalink structure such as ‘the’ ‘a’ ‘and’ making your permalinks shorter and more readable. These words are called stop words.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Optimize, Optimize, Optimize

Search engine optimization... what's all the hype about!? Internet competition is booming - open your eyes and smell the code! If you have a beautiful website, but it's not've wasted your time and money. A well built website with search engine optimization in mind is a goldmine at your finger tips. What's the first step in optimization? Researching and determining a líst of keywords that will drive traffic to the site and convert into sales. Test out various keywords, find out what your competition is and let it ride. For the keywords that don't convert, bag 'em. Expand your focus to reach broad based keywords as well as long tail keyword phrases. The narrower the keyword is, the more likely the user will convert on your page.
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Monday, March 16, 2009

18 Adsense Tips and Make Profit highest

In my article “ Tips for earning through Adsense” I will show you in a very easy way how to earn maximum money through Google Adsense programme. It is assumed that you have read google adsense programme terms and conditions. You have already visted the google adsense tips .In adsense programme advertisers pay when users click on ads and google will give you a portion of amount paid for clicks on google ads on your site. Google is as interested as you to perform better. I think you have already visited some sites about adsense tips but you are puzzled what to do exactly. Here you will get the summary of Adsense tips. I will mention here what is to be done point wise in a very few words. OK. Let us start earning through adsense quick tour.

a. Try to increase targeted traffic to your site by following the search engine optimization tips. More traffic means more income. Promote your blog in right way.

b. Write unique and relevant articles. Content should not be too small or too large.

c. Don’t modify google HTML code or don’t ask any body to click on it. Google may disable your adsense account.

d. First few lines are important to determine what type of ads will be advertised in your site. So concentrate on the first few lines very carefully.

e. Add google search box in the right hand upper corner. Generally people prefer to have the search box in their right hand side.

f. Use 336X280 large rectangle and 160X600 wide skyscraper ads(in the sidebar). Large rectangle is the best paying ad.

g. Prefer text ads. Text ads do better than image ads.

h. Use relevant color palettes. Colors which tend to blend into your content do better.

i. Place the ads just above the content or middle of the content. Because these are the prominent place and viewers use to navigate.

j. Always make sure that first ad unit is displayed in the best location.

k. In general older websites do better in search engine. Continue your site for long time.

l. Use channels to know what advertisements are making money and what ad position is the most profitable. Analyse it and do accordingly.

m. Block low paying advertisements with filter. If you see that an ad is not performing better for a week, replace it by other well paying ads.

n. Don’t reload your pages frequently.

o. Don’t place more than three ad units and one link unit.

p. Don’t place ads on an empty page.

q. Last but not the least test, test always, keep on testing, you yourself can find the best way how to optimize google adsense.

r. Join adsense discussion group for more help.

You have taken much pain to make your blog. You may want earn money through your blog. For this you have to participate in Google Adsense programme. Google Adsense is the best way for your website to display relevant Google Ads and earn money. Adsense delivers relevant Ads that are targeted to your site and your site content. For participating in Google Adsense programme open an account for adsense. The programme is free and google will pay you for valid clicks on the ads. After opening adsense accountt you will get a message from google. Read carefully the google programme policies. You have to do a simple work. Just open your account copy a block of HTML and targeted ads and paste it in the right place in your website template. You may interested in how much will you earn through the programme. In fact advertisers pay only when users click on ads. You will receive a portion of the amount paid for clicks on google ads on your website. Learn adsense support. You will be able to see the total number of impressions, ad clicks, click through rate, effecteive CPM and your total earning through your report tab. You may visit adsense adsense help.

another wonderful article from DP forums
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Facebook Can Drive More Traffic Than Google

Yes its true according to the latest SEO news with Chris Crum article showing that Facebook can generate more traffic than google.

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Monday, March 9, 2009

3 Ways to Get Indexed in MSN, as quick as possible

If you know anything about search engines, then you know that Google is, by far, the King, Yahoo is the queen (with a little q), and MSN is like the retarded 2nd cousin or something.

When it comes to getting a site indexed, you can accomplish that very quickly in Google, Yahoo is slower, and MSN is oftentimes the slowest, from my experience. MSN will eventually find your site if you are doing any kind of regular SEO or link building.

If you are looking to get indexed in MSN, quickly, then I found a few ways that seems to work, and I thought I'd share it with members of this forum. I've gained much knowledge reading the threads here, so it's my time to give a little.

3 Ways to Get Indexed in MSN as quick as possible

1. Exchange links with another site, indexed in MSN, that is PR4 or above. MSN spiders will regularly be visiting a PR4 site, so you should get one to your site by doing this. But, this exchange of links is not always the easiest to accomplish. You can check to see if a site is indexed in any of the 3 search engines by typing "" (no quotation marks) into their search bar.

2. Submit your site to MSN at I've heard that this page goes down from time to time, but it's worth a shot. Submit, and if it is still not indexed in a week, submit it again, but wait at least a week. You don't want to overdue and have that hurt your indexing.

3. This method appears to be the fastest. Go to, click on "MyMSN" on the homepage. Sign up for a free account. You do not even have to sign up for a or have a hotmail address. You can use your already existing email address. Once you have your MSN account confirmed, go to Locate the "favorites" section of the page, then click on "menu" of the "favorites" section. A drop menu will appear. Click "change details." At that point you can enter any URL you wish and pick the anchor text you desire. Now you have a link in MSN. Should get some spider activity, quickly.

That's it. Hope it helps.
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Top 5 Common SEO Mistakes

So you built your website, with hopes and dreams of internet riches, and the site looks great. But no one's coming to it! Then you start learning SEO, and you're feeling a little bit more confident about it. Here are a few easy mistakes that people make when learning SEO, to look out for as you start doing more SEO work for your site:

Mistake 1: Keyword Stuffing

Before explaining why it's a bad idea, let's first define keyword stuffing as overfilling your content with your targeted keywords/keyphrases.  By way of example, if you're targeting the phrase "navigation system," then keyword stuffing your content might read something like "Buying a new navigation system is something most customers do regularly as their old navigation system often fails to function in the proper way that a navigation system should..." and so on. It reads like a fourth grader's essay, and the search engine spiders pick up on the unnaturally high incidence of the same phrase repeated over and over.

While every SEO expert has a different opinion about keyword density, a safe but effective range might be considered 4-9% density. This makes sure the search engines correctly categorize your site for the services you offer, without them penalizing you for blatantly stuffing it with keywords.

Mistake 2: Link Farms vs. Directories

What is the difference between a link farm and a directory? It sounds like an easy question, but it's deceptively difficult. The reason is that directories and link farms share almost everything in common, so instead of a black and white difference between the two, they basically fall on a spectrum, and usually somewhere in the grey middle area.

That said, a working definition of link farm might go something like "a page of links with no other purpose or benefit to the visitor other than to provide backlinks to other pages." And why are they a problem? Search engines will not only disregard them as useless, they will often penalize the linked sites as well, by de-indexing them or demoting them in the rankings.

So how do you tell the difference between a link farm and a directory? Here are a few things to look for: 1) What's the Google Page Rank? 2) How well organized is it? 3) Does it have useful content other than links? 4) Is it visually attractive or otherwise made to be appealing to visitors? Be sure to ask these questions before submitting your site to an online directory.

Mistake 3: Duplicate Content

There's a lot of buzz going around the internet about duplicate content; quite simply, it's the same content appearing on more than one page on the internet. The search engines have been known to devalue pages that they see as duplicates, since the implication is that a site is simply spamming by putting automated content out on the web.

However, unlike link farm penalties, duplicate content isn't actively penalized, but merely disregarded sometimes by the search engines. If you're worried about it, well, write new content!

Mistake 4: Overbidding for PPC Advertising

Pay per click advertising (PPC) and SEO are NOT the same, but they're related enough to warrant a mention here. Amateurs often overbid for their PPC advertising, which not only costs them unnecessary money but drives up PPC prices elsewhere artificially. As with so many concepts in business, start low and go slow, which in this case means opening the bidding around 5-10 cents per click, and raising your bids as necessary to achieve your desired results.

Mistake 5: Investing Too Much Time in SEO Education

Serious webmasters devoted to online businesses and internet marketing would be wise to learn as much as possible about SEO. That said, the overwhelming majority of online business owners would probably be better off using their time to expanding their client base, or developing new products or websites, rather than spending tedious hour after tedious hour learning the minutiae of SEO and internet marketing. If you're capable of earning $45/hour while aggressively working your business, and can hire someone to handle SEO for you for $20/hour, then it's a no-brainer: hire an internet marketing company and get back to running your business.

Happy Optimizing!

Brian Gregory is a writer and SEO specialist who has worked with many websites to help them reach the top of the search engine rankings through internet marketing. He has recently consulted with Click Agent Marketing, a Vancouver SEO company currently accepting new clients.

Article Source:
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why should you try our article writing service?


Everyone knows that “content is the king”. Importance of unique content for your site cannot be underestimated. Google LOVES unique, content rich sites and issues duplicate content penalty for sites that copy content from other online sources. Unique content is the major part of on-page optimization which will help your site rank higher in SERP (Search Engine Result Page) ranking.  

Our Specialties: 

  • Web content written by native English speaking writers

  • Unique and 100% copyscape passed

  • Proofread to ensure spelling and grammatical error free

  • Satisfaction guaranteed or we will re-write

  • Competitive pricing

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Give your forum a jumpstart


Just started a new forum?

Don’t have much activity on your forum?

Visitors come and leave your forum without joining? 

Then you need our professional paid forum posting service. 

If you answered yes to any one of the question above, then you know how challenging it is to take a forum off the ground. No matter how much time you spend on the forum and tweak the design and features, no matter how valuable your forum can be to the community members, no one will actually post or participate on your empty forum or on a forum without much activity.  

Our paid forum posting team can help you solve this issue and make your forum look active with posts, new threads, and new members. Our team is highly professional and lot of our team members are posting on the forums for the past few years. Some are even on the highest poster board on certain forums.  

Our forum boosting packages will make your forum look active to both search engines and human visitors. Once our forum boosting team gives your forum a jumpstart, you will see lot better response form your visitors than before. So start with one of our forum posting service packages that best suits your need and experience the difference.

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100% manual directory submission service - increase visibility and get backlinks


Whether you want to submit your site to 50 or 500 directories, or even more, we do it for you. 

We submit your site to free web directories that are non-reciprocal which means your site will be listed on those directories without you having to link back to them. With our directory submission service, you can get hundreds of one way backlinks to your site at a very reasonable and competitive cost.  

We do not use any software or other ways of automated submission methods. We submit your site to directories manually one at a time to the proper categories which not only guarantees maximum approval rate but also gives you the benefit of getting backlinks from relevant category pages.  

We guarantee at least 85% approval rate. 

Just imagine how long it will take you to submit to all those directories manually one at a time. It can be nightmare for you to find all those directories and submit to them one at a time. But you don’t need to worry more as our professional directory submitting team is here at your disposal.  

We will send you a report upon completion of the job.

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SEO Optimized and Monetized Squidoo Lenses

Lens Creation
500 Words Unique Article (copyscape passed) Written Only for Your Lens
Niche/Keyword Research
SEO Optimize with Your Keyword
Submit to Top 25 Social Bookmarking Sites for Quick Indexing, Traffic, and Backlinks
Submit to One Squidoo Ring/Directory
Digg Your Lens
Ping Your Squidoo RSS Feed to Top Ping Sites
Time to Complete: 5 Business Days (often lot sooner)

Lens will be created under our name and then will be transferred to your Squidoo account. If you do not have a Squidoo account, you need to sign up for one to be a lensmaster and to be able to accept the transfer. 

Squidoo is a PR7 user generated lenses site which is a very powerful tool in internet marketing. If you have not utilized the power of Squidoo, then its about time you do.  

Why Squidoo? 

Squidoo lenses usually rank high on search engines. If you have a competitive niche, then you might have noticed that some of the search results on the top listings are actually Squidoo pages. Squidoo is a network of user generated pages where you can not only create a sales page but also promote it within the network.  

You can create your lens geared toward selling a product or as a satellite page to boost your existing site’s PR and SERP ranking. Since Squidoo is dofollow, you get a powerful relevant backlink to your site also. We not only create a custom lens for you but also take care of lens promotion to provide you with maximum benefit. We do all the work for you for a nominal fee and let you enjoy the benefit.

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Automated vs. Manual RSS Submission

  • Automated

    Submit to 70 RSS engines, feed directories
    85% Submission Success Rate
    Tool submission

Submit to 100+ RSS engines, feed directories, ping sites, and blog sites
100% Submission Success Rate
Submit to proper categories when allowed
Submission by visiting each site and making sure all the fields are populated properly and the right category is  selected


It is important to note that RSS feed submission success rate and approval rate is not the same. Success rate means that we were successful in submitting your feed. Approval rate is based on the judgment of the feed site moderators and the quality of submission. For automated submission, we had as much as 60%+ approval rate and for manual submission we had as much as 85% approval rate. If you have a quality site and do a good job on crafting the title and description, your chance of getting approved is maximum.

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Why using social bookmarks


If you have a blog or a website, you should be using social bookmarks if you are not already. There are several reasons for using social bookmarks. You get instant stream of traffic from social media sites. Also, you get your site/blog indexed lot faster through social media sites.  

In fact, submitting your site to social bookmarking sites is the fastest way to get your new site/blog/article indexed by Google and other search engines. Try our bookmarking service for your website/blog/article and see how quickly we can get your page indexed by Google and other search engines.  

Also, don’t forget that you will also get backlinks from the bookmarking sites that are dofollow.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Use your UnionBank account with PayPal


You should know by now that the previous Send-Only PayPal Philippines accounts have been upgraded to become Send-Receive-Withdraw accounts, meaning, PayPal Philippines users can now send AND receive AND withdraw PayPal funds.

Aside from UnionBank's Visa credit cards, you can also use UnionBank's EON Visa Electron and eWallet Cards to enroll in PayPal's Expanded Use Program. The Expanded Use Program will enable you to use PayPal to purchase products online without limit. More info about the Expanded Use Program is in the PayPal Philippines FAQ article.

Here's how you can use your UnionBank card to (1) attach to your PayPal account; and (2) enroll in PayPal's Expanded Use Program.

How to attach your UnionBank card in PayPal

1. If you don't have a PayPal account yet, sign up for one first. Read our "How to open a PayPal Philippines account" article for instructions on how to do this.

2. Once you have registered, log in to your PayPal account, go to "Credit Cards" section, and follow instructions there on how to add your UnionBank Debit or Credit card.

3. You will have to enter the full 16-character card number and CVV number of your UnionBank card. For the "Billing Address," use the address of record at UnionBank. If you are not sure which one this is, for users of EON and eWallet Cards, log in to UnionBank Internet Banking site and locate the Billing Address in the "Profile" page. If you are using a UnionBank Visa Credit Card, use the address that appears on your monthly statement.

4. Once your enrollment is complete, you can now use PayPal to purchase online with a limit of $100. To lift this Sending Limit, you will have to enroll in the Expanded Use Program.

How to use your UnionBank card to enroll in PayPal Expanded Use Program

1. Login to your PayPal account and go to the "Credit Cards" section.

2. Select the UnionBank card that you previously attached and choose "Enroll for Expanded Use." PayPal will charge you $1.95 but this will be credited back on your first PayPal transaction.

3. To complete your enrollment, you will need to enter the 4-digit Expanded Use Number in the "Complete Expanded Use" section.

Paypal - UnionBank Credit Card

If you used a UnionBank Visa Credit Card, you can find the 4-digit Expanded Use Number on your next monthly paper statement or by viewing your Visa Transaction History online. See sample below.

If you used EON Cyberaccount or eWallet, you need to contact UnionBank Customer Service Call Center at 84-186 (if it doesn't work, use 841-8600) and ask the customer service agent to provide you with the 4-digit PayPal Expanded Use (EXPUSE) code. You may need to tell the agent the exact date you applied for the Expanded Use (EXPUSE) code.

4. Once you have successfully entered the Expanded Use Number, you will receive a confirmation message that the Sending Limit has been lifted.

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Link Building Tools

1. SEOQuake for Firefox (
2. GooglePreview Firefox Add-On (
3. Fast Blog Finder - free blog commenting software (
4. Rank Checker - Track Google, Yahoo Search, Microsoft rankings (
5. Free Monitor for Google - query website ranking (
6. Outbound link checker (
7. Linkscape - find out how many domains link to a page (
It also has a Firefox toolbar counterpart (
8. Trifecta - assess the strength of a particular domain or page (
9. Check backlinks (
10. Yahoo Site Explorer (
11. Comment Hut - targeted traffic (
12. Directory Dominator - directory submitter -
13. Web CEO (
14. SEnuke (
15. Back Link Watch - check a website's backlinks (

If you know of other link building tools, let us know as well.
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Thursday, February 19, 2009

StatCounter Code Installation Instructions

Blogger / Blogspot - StatCounter Code Installation Instructions
  1. Copy the StatCounter code.
  2. Log into your Blogger / Blogspot blog.
  3. Go to the layout area.

    Blogger - Layout

  4. Click one of the “Add a Gadget” links at the bottom or to the right of your blog layout area (as indicated in the picture). (Note from the screenshot that we are in the “Page Elements” tab of the “Layout” area.)

    Blogger - Add a Gadget

  5. Clicking “Add a Gadget” opens a new window similar to the one pictured below.

    Blogger - Add a Gadget Window

  6. Scroll down through the list of Basic gadgets to find the HTML/Javascript gadget as shown in the picture below. Click the text (that says HTML/JavaScript) to add the gadget to your blog.

    Blogger - HTML/Javascript Gadget

  7. Paste the StatCounter code into the content section of the gadget.

    Blogger - HTML/Javascript Gadget

  8. Click "Save" and that's it!
Your StatCounter will now begin recording visitor information and, if you chose the visible option, your StatCounter will be visible on your blog!
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is eCPM in Adsense Earning Results

eCPM a how much you earn for every 1000 real page views - if it is aggregated
.... or how much you earned for 1000 ad views, if you are looking at a specific ad.

Generally, it is a good way to measure how well you convert people viewing your site into money.

Examples, Explanations :

1) For instance, you might have an advertiser that will pay you 2$ for every 1000 views of his advertisement. A sponsor that pays specifically to advertise his brand on your site.

This grants you 2 eCPM, just from that ad.

2) Now, let's assume you add ads from a automated program, like Adsense, that pays based on CPC. With a CTR of 0.5%, for every 1000 impressions, you will have 5 clicks.
If every click pays 10 cents, you earned 5*10 cents, $0.5 for 1000 impressions.

So, now you have 2.5 eCPM total. $2 from your CPM advertiser, and 0.5 from CPC ads.

3) Lets add an affiliate link ! I classify it as CPA - you get paid for an action. You will sell something like a Golfing eBook, and earn a $40 commission per sale.

Lets assume you have 500 visitors per day, that view 2 pages each.
One in a 1000, clicks and buys the Ebook. So, for every 2000 page views, you get additional 40$, or $20 eCPM.

In total, $2(CPM)+$0.5(CPC)+$20(CPA) = $22.5 eCPM.

Remember, that eCPM is often referred in the context of views (no CPC or CPA), but it is a general tool that can measure the overall revenue stream of your site, based on page views.

Hope that helps
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List of Free Backlinks

Huge List of Free Backlink sites and directories, I love doing this stuff

What is the importance of getting a backlink?
a backlink is a link that links to your site from other sites, which improve your website rankings and serf.
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Earn with Flixya Today

Today, I just did a remarkable moment. I was looking for more money making blog when I stop over with flixya.

OMG, I shock myself when I was tempted to sign up for a Flixya account, since you can earn 0% revenue from google adsense, beat that!

And so I click on the sign up button which will connect my Flixya to my Google Adsense account. Wonderful isn't it?! Now I'm trying to connect all the dots on how to generate and earn money from Flixya since both Flixya and Google Adsense have merely same rules and conditions.

I wonder what I can pull off to earn from it. Well we can't tell not unless we see. Anyways, try flixya and lets start sharing!
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What is Trust Rank Explained by Matt Cutts


What is Trust Rank Explained by Matt Cutts
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Monday, February 9, 2009

How to Earn Money from Blogs

I say its a complicated question with easy answer, How to Earn Money from blogs? Reminds me of my first blog posting and showing my kind of idea which led nothingness, Awful isn't it?

But I'm here to tell you about How to Earn Money from Blogs, Yes some say its easy some say you must learn SEO in order to get your money in a month. For starters like you and me, the only thing I can advice is "Blog what you want and what you like the most", Blogging is not just writing up articles, adding pictures, its about something you want to share that you really liked.

Now, How to start a blog and earn money from it. Go to, register using a gmail account, if you don't have gmail account you can get one here. Now when you are finish, you will be go to your blog dashboard look like this

Now you can start creating a blog by clicking the "Create Blog" topmost of the dashboard. You may now start naming your blog and getting the available domain name which look like this

you can choose a template for your blog; this is how it will appear when you publish it. Next, Blogger will create your new blog and reserve your spot on BlogSpot. As soon as you make your first post, your page will appear at the address you chose. You're all ready to blog!

Now go to Google Adsense Website, register there and use your blog URL as your website. It will take 1-2 weeks for adsense team to reply and confirm your account, so you better blog interesting stuff.

Next time, I'll be posting articles about SEO Blogging Tips and how to start a blog with SEO refered idea, just stay tuned at Earn Direct.

If you find this blog interesting, don't forget to bookmark or leave a comment!
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Top 200 Social bookmark, Easy Marketing tools

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